
Eye of the Storm

Join me for my timelapse workshop in Iceland! September 29th to October 5th, 2014:

Follow us on Facebook for photos, behind the scenes, and updates!

Now also available in 4K on Youtube:

Eye of the Storm is a winter saga in Iceland. In Iceland there are many kinds of storms. Ice, snow, rain, sand, ash, solar, magnetic, and more.

Storms are agents of change. While often destructive and unpredictable, they also demonstrate the unyielding power of nature. They reveal nature's beauty and its hand in creating the landscapes we see today.

Shot in Iceland between February and March, 2014, I was lucky enough to witness and film the power of an X-class solar flare and coronal mass ejection hitting our atmosphere. The resulting auroras were a sight hard to believe, even in person and seeing it with my very own eyes. Enjoy the film!

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