Solomon R. Guggenheim Múzeum (New York)

A Solomon R. Guggenheim Múzeumot 1939-ben alapították a modern művészeteknek New Yorkban. Az Upper East Side-on található, a Central Park és az East River között. A múzeum fenntartója a Solomon R. Guggenheim alapítvány. Ez a legrégebbi és a legismertebb a Guggenheim-múzeumok között. Az épületet Frank Lloyd Wright tervezte és 1959-ben adták át. A múzeum gyűjteménye legnagyobbrészt az absztrakt művészeteket fogja át, de tartalmaz impresszionista, posztimpresszionista, expresszionista és szürrealista műtárgyakat is.


  • The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation: The Guggenheim - Die Sammlung. New York 2006
  • Thomas Krens, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer: Frank Lloyd Wright und das Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Hatje Cantz Verlag, Stuttgart 2002

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2016. february 18.
If u are an architecture buff, this is a must visit. I agree the architecture overwhelmes the art. I spent my first hour in awe with the interior space and hardly noticing the art!
Alex Robertson
2017. january 11.
really your experience seems to depend on how well you think the unique phenomenological format of the museum fits the show. but my god, encountering Agnes Martin's final painting here was a rush.
2014. february 26.
With its iconic, circular white building the Guggenheim presents important & extensive collections of impressionist,postimpressionist, & modern art, as well as showing the work of present-day artists.
2022. january 13.
The Guggenheim Museum is one of NYC's greatest museums. The permanent collections are always exciting: get your fill of Kandinskys and Pollocks, admire a Picasso and a Mondrian. Food for the soul!
K-Þórır D.
2014. october 19.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural dream rivals the concept-driven modern art exhibits inside the museum. Audio guide is a good option & get a look at the boosktore ♥
2015. june 6.
Very impressive museum! Must see even if just for the building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The promenade with the various galleries and exhibitions is unique and very well thought out!
Lenox Ave Unit 1 by Luxury Living Suites

kiindulási $397

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Lenox Unit 3 by Luxury Living Suites

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Lenox Ave Garden Unit by Luxury Living Suites

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